Tag Archives: website

Market and network like the pros

If you are serious about being an artist and marketing your artwork, you want to be taken seriously by curators, collectors, and other artists. It is vitally important that you pay attention to what other artists, collectors, and curators are up to. Artists learn by looking; it is simply indispensable in the profession. However, you would be surprised just how many artists there are out there who skip the necessary steps to get their feet through the right doors.

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Why Should Artists Blog?

by Nancy Haberman

It seems these days everywhere you look, people are talking about using the internet to earn money. Regardless of whether you’re an entrepreneur running an online store or an artist displaying your work online, your goal should be to drive qualified traffic to your website. A qualified visitor is someone who is genuinely interested in the products or services being promoted, and who is ready to take a specific action (called a conversion), such as making a purchase, filling out and sending in an online form, or calling to schedule an appointment.

Anyone can publish a website, but unless you have a plan of action and know what you want your site to achieve, it will be next to impossible to determine if you are successful. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that once a website is posted, your job is done. That’s like opening a store and forgetting to advertise that you are open. Once a website is online, your marketing has just begun.

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